What is Shungite?

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Protect your body and home/vehicle against dangerous RF/EMF radiation.

Shungite ``Sphere`` Key Chain
A Shungite key chain held in your pocket while you go through your day can add extra benefits because it would take on the characteristic of a Shungite bracelet, or necklace spreading the positive energy through your blood system eventually going through to your vital organs, and brain. A constant feed of good positive energy can bring a feeling of calmness, and create good endorphin activity.
The diameter of Shungite circle is 18 mm. The length of silver color chain is 45 mm. The diameter of silver color keyring is 20 mm.

Most everyone has a car, truck, or some kind of vehicle. When you turn on the ignition, what happens? Well, if the vehicle is in good condition, the ignition turns on the car. But what if not only the car runs well, you get a personal benefit from your key chain at the same time?
Let’s explore the possibility. When you’re on a drive, and the traffic gets heavy, it’s nice to know that you have a little positive energy pushing out of a Shungite key chain to keep you on a good level. This is what Shungite will do for you.
Each side of the Shungite is lightly putting out positive energy, fullerene carbons, and good frequency vibrations. They float in the air inside your vehicle, and produce well thinking, positive energy, good brain energy, and enable you to keep focused as you drive.

Keeping a shungite key chain in your hand as you’re preparing to go to your car, or while you’re in the office just thinking on a challenge to sort out, can act as a stress regulator. As you squeeze it, the rock can produce a vibration giving positive energy. The benefits of having a Shungite key chain are just as many or more as having other Shungite you may try. But if you have Shungite protection in several different forms, then you have achieved a great circle of excellence.
12 mm Shungite Bracelet with an elastic band
Wear this bracelet to neutralize any effects of electromagnetic frequency that may be emitted from your electronic devices. Wearing this bracelet helps you to balance your mind, body and spirit and come back to a more natural state of being.
Made from a single piece of Authentic Shungite
- The length of the bracelet is 17 cm / 6.7 in.
- The diameter of each shungite bead is 12 mm / 0.47 in.
- The weight is 40 gr / 0.088 lbs / 1.41 oz.

Polished Shungite Pyramid 40 mm
A Shungite Pyramid is an extremely powerful tool for EMF protection, physical healing, work performance and root chakra healing. Incorporating a shungite pyramid into your space is said to balance and regulate the energy field, correcting any imbalances and strengthening it. It also acts as a protector & transformer of negative, harmful or electromagnetic energy.
Made from a single piece of Authentic Shungite
The size of Shungite pyramid is 40×40 mm. This pyramid creates the energy field with the radius 1,6 m and able to clear 600 ml of water.

Shungite Pendant
Will help you:
• to protect from geopathogetic events;
• to neutralize electromagnetic waves;
• to stabilize blood pressure;
• to correct energy processes;
• to recharge and to keep vitality in the human body.
Pendant of Shungite is not only attractive thing but some kind of Stone Therapy is known as an ancient healing art that was just recently rediscovered. Shungite stone by giving its electromagnetic energy and Mother Earth healing power to you, virtually ‘feed’ the person, relaxes that will bring balance and alleviate chronic and acute problems.
Shugnite improves work of lymphatic and immune systems, normalizes blood pressure and body functions, and assists your body in self-healing.
Shugnite also affects the sensory system which stimulates the production of neuro-chemicals that brings a sense of well-being.
Made from a single piece of Authentic Shungite

The length of the pendant is 43 mm. The thickness is 4 mm.
This precision made shield safely blocks over 98% of the EMF, radio frequency, radiation emitted from smart meters. It also blocks the EMF waves that go into the house.

Like a survey of your home to see were your wifi microwave radiation is the highest?
Call 1-800-380-6068

RF Microwave Meters Hf35c Rf Analyze 800mhz – 2.5 Ghz – Perfect for Smart Meters Detection
.1 or less µW/m² | .1 to 10 µW/m² | 10 to 1000 µW/m² | 1000 or more µW/m² |
No Concern | Slight Concern | Severe Concern | Extreme Concern |
The lower the better. Ideal is 0 – nothing. If you have sources of microwaves in your home/office, including smart meters, our advice is always to replace the device with a non-wireless, non-microwave device. Shielding is an option, and can provide good temporary relief, but eliminating the source is even better.
Anti-radiation, anti-tracking, anti-spying, GPS RFID signal blocker, block car-key FOBS Signal. Protect your ID card and bank card information from theft.

Radiation Shield Router Guard reduces radiation output by 90-95%, but still allows the router to function without losing speed.

5G is a Sterilization & Eugenics Program

The water, food, even air you constantly ingest has filled your body with chemicals, compounds, and metals that turn your body into a metal conductor.
The 4G and 5G devices that surround you constantly can activate those metals in your system like a fuse on a firecracker.